In person & telehealth services Medicaid & Most Commercial Insurances Accepted
In person & telehealth services Medicaid & Most Commercial Insurances Accepted
We practice love, support & empowerment
We share openly & freely a path to the solution that is working for us.
We are a family because of our imperfections not despite them
Group Times Offered:
Mondays: 9:00AM-12:00PM (IOP)
Mondays: 5-630PM (Women's Group)
Tuesdays: 915AM-10:15AM Parenting
Tuesdays: 730a-9am (Men's group)
Wednesday: 9am-12:00PM (IOP)
Thursdays: 5-630PM (mixed education)
Thursdays: 7pm-830pm
Friday: 9am-12:00PM (IOP)
Jail Program 2x a week @ Bullitt Co Detention Center
Helping Men Recover is a gender specific men's group utilizing the curriculum designed by Stephanie Covington & Dan Griffith. HMR is a program designed to support men as they walk through where they have been, where they are and where they are going. Trauma informed and person focused, HMR is a empowering and effective path for men to use toward self discovery.
Men's Group meetings: Tuesdays @ 11am
Women's Empowerment Group is a gender specific women's group designed to meet the needs of women in recovery. Our mission is to create the "warrior woman" within while addressing trauma and the stories of shame women create around their sense of worthiness. Our mantra is simple "Empowered Women Empower Women"
Woman's Group Meetings: Mondays @ 5PM
Come and spend time with one of our qualified therapist to work more intensely on a program of self exploration. Individual therapy sessions give members the platform to tell their stories in a safe and none judgmental arena while getting support and feedback on coping skills & life tips.
We understand that addiction is a family disease. Families that heal together have a much higher success rate for long term recovery. Learning the valuable difference between enabling & support is critical. Learning about self care and boundary setting can mean the difference between healing and resentment building. Family investment and engagement are valuable parts of this experience .
Anger Management Services are offered in individual and group sessions by certified specialists.
Parenting classes are offered in evening and morning sessions. Classes are pretty intensive and cover a wide assortment of parenting topics.
Call for more details (502) 350-7368
“At Promise Youth” redefines risk factors and provides our members with solution focused skills to achieve wholeness and increased well being within themselves, their families and their communities. The mission of APY is to decrease the amount of juvenile cases opened within the court system, decrease educational disruptions (truancies, suspensions and/or expulsions) and to support clients within their families and communities. APY is a holistic approach to treatment, education and prevention.
APY targets young males & females (12-19). Services include weekly gender specific groups, individuals and targeted case management *TCM.
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